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The "Death" Card In The Tarot Isn't Always Deadly!

This my friends, is a spontaneous blog that just poured out of me after seeing todays Tarot reading.'s long :-). 🙏💞

Today in my "Astrology Answers" 3 card Tarot reading, I came up with the "Death" card in my future position (It's content is at the end of this post) Actually, this has happened to me several times in the past month and therefore I consider it's appearance again today even more profound and joyful! Particularly following the time of Easter, Passover and during this time of re-birth and wonder.

The "Death" card is an awesome and welcome medicine card. For me it speaks to the adventure I'm growing closer to. As many of you know, on June 15th I'm beginning a sabbatical of sorts to allow my inner "yes" to come forward and find voice. This is during the time of the Gemini "new moon." I will continue to teach at Out Back Yoga one day per week while spending the rest of my time exploring the weaving together of all I have learned from so many wonderful teachers and re-packaging ways to offer back to the community at large.

On the 19th. of June, I'll be entering my 65th. year of life. My boys are now men, my husband is still working hard, the constant care taking of my beautiful Bailey dog has ended (although I now have two puppies and a cat in my life, lol,) my dad is still alive but holding his own, I've fully realized that there is no meaningful help I can give to my sister or her family other than to respect their situation and love them. In other words, there is an opening for me in both time and space that I feel called to take advantage of.

I'm finding myself embracing and engaging more and more with the work of James Knight and Gentle Somatic Yoga® (GSY) as well as with Fred Sugerman and the Medicine Dance offerings. I see these two programs as being intrinsically intertwined, each informing the other and each informing my growth and development in profound ways. For me, GSY is the foundational work for understanding how the body works; from the inside out using the practices of interception to find hidden pain and tension. Medicine Dance picks up from there giving me the permission to move in with joy to the spaces where pain was once hidden. I'm finding more freedom to live and move inside of this human body while remaining "safe" in its structure because of the GSY wisdom.

In June, I'm enter my 5th year of play as a Ballroom dancer with Arthur Murray Dance in Woodland Hills. My awesome teachers David and Stephanie, continue to be patient with me as my learning can be slow sometimes. Ballroom dancing is both intricate and detailed AND intuitive and free. It's a challenge for me to be both in my analytical head and my kinesthetic flowing body at the same time (lol again) They've helped me to learn to laugh at myself and continue to work with me even though my attention deficit (yes I'm a squirrel girl,) and sometimes dyslexic tendencies can hinder my retention of new material. Waltzing in particular has guided me in the rhythms of my life. It is a dance that has helped me to "die" and be "re-born" in the understanding of the importance of flow, rise and fall, lead and follow.

I've been inspired by my dear friend Christo Pellani's Tama-Do and drumming offerings and his honest sharing of gifts and wisdom through sound. Christo's challenges over the year with so many life changes has humbled me and given me perspective and a greater sense of gratitude for what I have and could not have at any moment. Just knowing that his generous spirit is out there in the world doing good work is incentive enough for me to keep going and do my own good work in the world. I'm truly looking forward to working side by side with my special life brother in May as we are offering a somatic Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing program at OBY on the 19th of the month.

And to all the beautiful souls that enter and leave the Out Back Yoga property on a weekly basis, you've encouraged me and given me permission, strength and courage to step up and take what I need now. For 15 years here at OBY your've given me the opportunity to continue to explore the human condition and to learn compassion for each and every human story. You have no idea how grateful I am for each and every one of you and how much joy I feel when I see you entering through the gates for a session, a private, a workshop or any other offering here.

The weaving of all of these practices together feels deeply important to me now giving me greater reason to go "in to" and help assist in the finding the way "out of" the human conditions we find ourselves challenged with.

Yes!!! I feel ready to "die" to all that I've been; both for better and for worse and to step in to what destiny has in store. I have NO idea what that really looks like yet but what I do know is that if I don't make room for change will happen without me choosing it.

Love and Light to all of you who have read to the end of this blog :-)


So, here is what the "Death" card in the tarot actually says.

"This is probably one of the most feared cards in the tarot deck. Who wants to think about death, right? And when it appears in a meeting, it's easy to be afraid of what might come next. Will you die? Will someone dear to you die? The chances of this card meaning actual death are remote. It usually means transformation or change. Whenever there are new beginnings, something else must pass away--die--first, to make room for that fresh start. The future position reveals to you a critical element about what's yet to come. To understand it you need to carefully examine the previous cards. You cannot change the past, but by analyzing it and then taking action in the here and now, you can change the course of your destiny. This card shows you the potential of the situation, so that you can best know what to do next to make things happen to get your desired results or to bring about necessary changes to avoid repercussions. The Death card here shows you that you're going to have an opportunity for a ‘do over,' to bring something to a close and then start afresh elsewhere. Maybe this will be a choice, or maybe this situation will be thrust upon you. This is not as important as what you will learn during these events, though. Will you heed the message and go with the flow, taking advantage of the opportunity for change that you'll be given; or will you try to cling to what wants to naturally evolve?"

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